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What Are Your Gauges Saying?

Let me start by unpacking this weird system I have going on in my head. It’s a bit unusual, I admit, but hear me out. I’ve got these unique mental gauges that help me gauge when I’m veering off course.

Now, let me explain how these gauges work: whenever I catch myself resorting to coping mechanisms that sneak up on me without warning, like indulging in excessive shopping, eating, comparing myself to others, or even obsessively browsing through car catalogs (I’m a strange one), it signals that something deeper is happening within me. Perhaps there’s an underlying issue with my relationships, or something I’m not happy with that requires my attention. So, instead of ignoring these signs, I’ve learned to pause and take a step back for some self-reflection.

In the past, whenever I faced a problem, my default response was to find someone or something to blame. I’d vent, discuss it endlessly, or let anger consume me. Strangely, but there was some twisted satisfaction in playing the victim or being justifiably angry. Yet, deep down, I realized that this approach offered me no real control over my life. If I genuinely wanted to take charge, I had to start taking responsibility for all my problems, even when it seemed like someone else was at fault. That’s where these gauges came to the rescue!

The gauges are my guiding system.

When I notice dissatisfaction in my life, resentment towards someone, or a sense of being marginalized, I consciously examine my role in the situation and seek a resolution. It could be related to money, sex, work, kids, health, or any other aspect of life that can be challenging. Let’s face it – life isn’t a walk in the park! That’s why I think of this process as proactive maintenance for my well-being, like taking the car to the shop before a breakdown occurs.

Most of the time, instead of using food, naps, or my favorite online store as temporary fixes, I dig deeper to identify the root cause of my unease. In the past, I would drown my problems in alcohol, suppress my emotions, and repeat the cycle endlessly. [You can read all about my former “coping mechanisms” in my book that comes out next month]. Thankfully, that’s no longer an option for me today!

So now, I have a shot at running my life like a well-oiled machine. Are you aware when your internal “low fuel” light blinks, indicating the need for self-care and attention? I’m not fully aware of my gauges all the time, but I’m grateful that I’m “aware of my awareness,” if that makes sense. There was a time when I was completely out of touch, flying through life without any gauges to guide me.

If you’re reading this and are nodding, consider installing some gauges in your mental dashboard too. It helps me proactively address underlying issues head-on before they fester and become completely out of control. Remember, it’s not about placing blame but taking responsibility for your happiness and well-being.

With your own gauges, you’ll be equipped to navigate life’s twists and turns like a seasoned driver on an open road to success.

Jul 30, 2024

2 min read