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The Success Paradox Lifestyle

Success is not a goal, it’s a lifestyle.

Success. What exactly is it? Something different for everyone, for sure. But I learned that it has less to do with what I accomplish and more to do with knowing who I am. After all, the ultimate benefit of everything we achieve or accumulate is to create a feeling that we want, like happiness or peace.

I learned that we can cut out the middleman, the money and the stuff, the fame and the praise, and go straight to the feeling. That success is not a goal, it’s a lifestyle. My writing partner and I discovered and described the three core principles of this lifestyle as we wrote the book. Further, we learned that each one has an accompanying emotion, something that activates the feeling, a core concept, and a practice to integrate the principle.

First, being authentic. How does that feel? For me, it’s gratitude, and what stimulates the experience is humility as I surrender and let go to a higher power. Ironically, the more dependent I become on that higher power, the more independent I am, free of dependence on material accomplishments to give me with the emotional rewards I want. As for a practice, it seems that daily self-examination is the key, with a morning meditation and prayer, then an evening review of the day.

The second principle in the lifestyle is doing good. The emotion is compassion for others and the activator is grief. That’s not my favorite feeling, nor yours, I’m sure, but there’s a valid place for sadness in our lives. We’re all born and designed to care for each other and sometimes it’s our suffering that connects us.

As a business owner, I learned how important it is to develop and sustain workplace environments where everyone genuinely cares about each other. That often means telling a staff member to go home when they don’t seem well. Knowing that someone in the company cares makes a difference. It’s one reason we have such a great employee retention record.

The practice is servant leadership. For me, that started with firing myself as CEO, hiring someone better, then deciding that I wasn’t the smartest guy in the room. In fact, I often decided I was the dumbest one at the table, which meant that I needed help from others. This has made me a much better team player.

The third principle is doing well. The emotion is generosity, something that I was fortunate to grow up with. My dad was the most generous man I ever met. Not just with money, although he was that, but with his attention. In the book I tell a story about something that happened early on in my business career when he arrived in my office for his weekly Friday visit and I immediately told him we were short on payroll. He just nodded and asked me what was wrong with Sally. Sally was the payroll clerk.

I was totally confused and repeated what I’d just told him, that we were $100,000 short. He didn’t miss a beat. “I heard that,” he said. “But Sally looks upset. Look, payroll is the big stuff. But if you take care of the small stuff, the big stuff with take care of itself.” He smiled from a place that would take me years to come from. “Find out what’s going on with Sally,” he said. “I think she needs your help.”

He was right, although it took me years to know why. Generosity is really an expression of love and people feel it when you appreciate who they are and what they’re doing in the business. I took my Dad’s advice to heart and proved he was right. We became more profitable, and this was a key reason. I became generous with my attention and so did my partners. Soon, the feeling of generosity permeated our entire organization. Staff, our doctors and patients, everyone could feel it. So, they became generous right back and we all prospered. I’ve come to call this “full profit economics,” an advance from both for profit and non-profit ventures.

So, these are the three principles of the Success Paradox Lifestyle: be authentic, do good, and do well. It’s important to keep number one at the top of the list because when we do, the other two just naturally begin to happen.

Originally posted on

Jun 3, 2024

3 min read