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Investing in People

Research shows that companies that take care of their employees lead the way regarding customer satisfaction and profitability.

One of my first rules is that I don’t invest merely for money. I invest where I can make a difference in the lives of my employees and customers – in that order.

Choose your words carefully.

Our words and unique perspectives play an integral role in creating the work atmosphere and company culture. I always say I work “with” folks rather than they work for me – which makes a massive difference in my mind and I’m sure in theirs too. It speaks to partnership and collaboration rather than the traditional boss and employee scenario.

THREE essential elements to focus on when investing in people:

1. Time: You need to invest your time. Are you accessible and available? As a leader, you must get to know those you work alongside. Have you created a safe space where people can talk freely – express their concerns and their creativity? I have written about how much I learn these days because I talk less and listen more. Business leaders must know what makes their people tick.

2. Training & Development: Make sure that your team members have the necessary skills to do what it takes to grow the company. In areas where there are gaps, move to invest in their training and development. Business is rapidly developing, and upskilling must be part of the big picture plan to foster innovation. It is crucial to remember that you are in the business of growing people first.

3.Recognition: Recognizing the strengths and talents of your team is one of the most powerful things you can do as a leader. One of my great joys is when we come together and collaborate – with everyone playing to their strengths, how can you lose?

This is an edited version of the original article. Read the full article that appeared in Fast Company here

Jul 29, 2024

2 min read