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Fried Egg Leadership

Do you remember that fried egg commercial?

There was a commercial when I was a kid.  It was a shot of a perfect egg, and the voice-over said, “this is your brain.”. Then they cracked the egg into a frying pan and said, “this is your brain on drugs.”

I thought about this ad the other day, and I think it could be an appropriate analogy for bad leadership in an organization!

“This is your company” is the perfect egg, filled with opportunity and potential. The egg frying in a pan would be, “this is your company with ego-driven leadership!” It’s all sizzle, and someone/something is going to get burned!


What do eggs and your company have in common?

Let’s look at the differences:

So, I’ve had a lot of fun reinventing the egg as a brain scenario inspired by an ad from my childhood, but what would you add to the list to keep things wholesome in the workplace?

Jul 30, 2024

1 min read